Selection Committee

Rose R.:

Rose has lots of time to blog but has a lethal case of writer’s block and has had it for some time now. Her blog, A Rose Is A Rose is about her life with her family and new husband James. She spends more time visiting other blogs than she does on her own site, which makes her uniquely qualified to be a part of this committee.
Contact Rose

Melanie T.:

Melanie is a very talented  and clever blogger. She wants to tell everyone about everything regarding her life. Lucky for you, there is an advocate, her blog. You’ll find her blog,  The Past To The Present, to be a documentary of her life experiences regarding food, travel, family, friends, and matchmaking schemes she falls victim to. Don’t forget to read her randomness posts every Friday. Of course, sometimes she doesn’t post every Friday or it wouldn’t be keeping to the randomness theme!
Contact Melanie

Tom B.:

Tom has been blogging since 2009. His blog, Morning Erection is an eclectic mix of posts that utilize his very active imagination. It has a monthly guest post, and Poetic License, a segment featuring  poems from eight different blogs each month. Tom regularly comes up blog post ideas that could only be born from his creative process. An example would be the dinner party he threw for everyone on his blogroll. Of course it wasn’t real, but he sent out the invitations and prepared special menus for all in attendance.
Contact Tom

3 responses to “Selection Committee

  1. Sylvia January 22, 2012 at 7:31 am

    WOW — what an honor. Not sure how I missed this (a year later) but I was surprised that my blog was selected. I never thought that I would have a blog that others thought was interesting to read. Five years later and over 600,000 hits, I still love posting and sharing what pops into my head!

  2. yuuki-chan January 22, 2011 at 10:33 pm

    Thank you so much for the award! I never really expected to win any awards for something that comes naturally to me like breathing. You just made my day better 🙂

  3. Abby January 22, 2011 at 5:49 pm

    Hello! I got your message in my chatbox, and no, I don’t recall receiving an e-mail about the award. I even checked my spam box. But I am truly honored and happily accept! Thank you, I’m bookmarking you!

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